
This website showcases my projects and abilities, as you can tell, the design is inspired by my love for nature.

I'd love to make your ideas come to life, let's connect! 😀 Check out my awesome work.


GQZ Travels Web Application

Utilized Git, Agile & Scrum methodologies to efficiently collaborate with a team and construct a web application that helps customers get around the city via ride-sharing and also includes a delivery service.
- Showcased a strong understanding of front-end technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and jQuery to produce functional, responsive pages such as "home page", "about us", "sign up", "sign in", "Reviews", "Shopping Cart", "Types of services". Used google APIs showing geo-location functionalities and processing user payments.
-Demonstrated strong conceptual understanding of relational databases by using MySQL and PHP scripts to store and gather user account information.


  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Javascript/JQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Python
  • Java
  • C/C++
  • PHP
  • MySQL